Laurie Wareham, a Certified Instructor & Master in The Ichiyo School, presented seasonal arrangements, Ichiyo principles, and using Shikimono.
Ikebana members Eveyln Klumb of the Ikenobo school, Linda L. Taylor of the Ohara school, Shirely Woodle of the Ichiyo school, Kumiko Suzuki of the Sogetsu school, and Grace Morris of the Sangetsu school presented arrangements that interpreted prints by artist Yoshiko Yamamoto.
Junko Liesfeld presented the history and art of Japanese Kimono and shared her personal kimono collection with the members.
Janice Whitehead(Ikenobo School), Judy Sheldon(Ohara School), Paula Nachman(Sogetsu School), Annette Ernst(Keika-Kazan School), Alice Lichfield(Ichiyo School) and Helena Arouca(Sangetsu School) presented a demonstration entitled "Six Ikebana Schools---A Members' Spring Showcase".
IOR member, Minh-Chau Truong presented a zoom demonstration entitled "Bamboo and Pine: The Art of Sumi-e and Inspiring Ikebana Arrangements". She has been taking classes with well known teachers in this field around US since 2008. She is a member of the Sumi-e Society of America, the Sumi-e Blue Heron Chapter in Norfolk.
IOR members, Annette Ernst, Diane Burgess, JoAnn McNabb and Minh-Chau made arrangements for the Sumi-e paints. A video demonstration was shown. Laurie Wareham, Ichiyo Master from Elm Grove Wisconsin demonstrated arrangements incorporating natural and unnatural materials in the video demonstration.
The Memorial Celebration of the Life of Doris Roberts was held at Mr. & Mrs. Liesfeld's Japanese Garden on November 8, 2020. She had been a member of Ikebana of Richmond since 1968. She was President three times.
Libby Haynes, Jonin Sanyo of Sogetsu presented a demonstration entitled “Artfully Woven, The Beauty of Baskets”. She joined Ikebana of Richmond in 2006. She began studying in the Sogetsu School of Ikebana in 2006 under Etsuko Phillips and currently studies under Jane Redmon. She became a certified Sogetsu Instructor in 2012 and was promoted to the rank Jonin Sanyo in 2018. She conducted a workshop on the following day.
Ikebana of Richmond member, Laura Ann Brooks presented a demonstration entitled "Using What You Have". She has studied throughout the US and in Europe. She specializes in English, Modern European and Asian-fusion design and has studied Enshu, Ikenobo and Sogetsu. She conducted a workshop entitled "Arranging in a Pumpkin: Shoka and its Variation, the 7 Grasses of Autumn" on the following day.
Ikebana of Richmond members, Evelyn Klumb (Ikenobo school), Linda Taylor (Ohara school), Gerry Smith (Ichiyo school) and Helena Arouca (Sangetsu school) presented a demonstration entitled "Seasonal Haiku and Ikebana". They interpreted Haiku which they had personally selected and created their arrangements.
December 2024